盐酸异丙嗪(非那根)是一种抗组织胺药,临床常用于各种过敏性疾病。儿科临床多用于支气管哮喘、喘息性支气管炎及毛细支气管炎等疾病。最近,我们发现异丙嗪直接静注(未进行稀释)不但起不到镇静作用,相反造成医源性中毒反应,导致患儿烦躁不安,颜面及静注局部潮红,静注处及前臂,上臂疼痛,瞳孔散大等。例1 男。5岁6个月,体重20kg,诊断:喘息性支气管肺炎。青霉素加氨苄青霉素静点,2天后体温降至正常,但因喘
Promethazine hydrochloride (phenazone) is an antihistamine, commonly used clinically in a variety of allergic diseases. Pediatric clinical for bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchiolitis and bronchitis and other diseases. Recently, we found that intravenous injection of promethazine (without dilution) not only failed to sedative effect, but also caused iatrogenic poisoning reaction, leading to irritability in children, facial flushing and intravenous injection of local flush, intravenous injection and forearm, upper arm Pain, mydriasis and so on. Example 1 male. 5 years 6 months, weight 20kg, diagnosis: wheezing bronchopneumonia. Penicillin and ampicillin static point, 2 days after the temperature dropped to normal, but due to asthma