20 0 4年 1月 1 5日结束的湖北省交通工作会议上传出消息 ,今年湖北将开工建设 1 2条高速公路和两座长江大桥 ,开工建设里程达 1 4 0 0 km,年投资额将确保 1 65亿元 ,力争达到 1 75亿元。去年年底 ,湖北高速公路已突破千公里大关 ,达到 1 0 73 km,目前尚有 770 km高速公路在建
Hubei Province Traffic Work Conference concluded on January 15, 2004, it is reported that this year Hubei will start construction of 12 expressways and two Yangtze River bridges, construction mileage of 1,400 km, the annual investment will be To secure 165 billion yuan and strive to reach 17.5 billion yuan. At the end of last year, the Hubei Expressway had exceeded the 1,000-kilometer mark and reached 1,073 km. There are still 770 km of expressways currently under construction