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我们经常看到这样的情况,在小学数学新授课的课堂教学中,由于时间安排不当,加上讲授又不得法,往往挤掉了学生在课堂上做作业的时间。结果大部分作业不得不在课外完成,加重了学生的课业负担。为了改变这种状况,探讨小学数学课堂教学时间安排的合理方案,上学期我们先后在一些学校,主要是三年级,作了些调查和试验。通过调查和试验,我们认为比较理想的时间分配是:组织教学和复习提问5分钟左右,新授课15分钟左右;巩固新课5—10分钟,课堂作业10—15分钟。新授一般采取“自学、试算、讨论、讲解”的方式。当然,由于教材内容和学生的情况不同,教法可以各异,也不一定拘泥这几个步骤。 We often see the situation in the new primary school mathematics teaching classroom teaching, due to improper scheduling, coupled with teaching and not law, often squeezed out of the students in the classroom homework time. As a result, most of the assignments have to be completed outside of class, which adds to the workload of students. In order to change this situation, we explored a reasonable plan for arranging the timetable for teaching mathematics in primary schools. During the last semester, we conducted some investigations and experiments in some schools, mainly the third grade. Through investigation and experiment, we think the ideal time allocation is: about 5 minutes for teaching and reviewing questions, about 15 minutes for new lectures, 5-10 minutes for consolidating new classes and 10-15 minutes for class work. The new grant generally take “self-study, trial calculation, discussion, explain” approach. Of course, because of the different contents of teaching materials and students, the teaching methods can vary and may not necessarily stick to these steps.
近年中考,对化学方程式的考查可谓全方位、多角度,然而,考查重点是化学方程式的书写,这类问题要求高、分值大、题型新。掌握书写原则和书写步骤,才能写出正确的化学方程式。  一、提供信息  例1 (2008年江苏南通市中考试题)1909年化学家哈伯在实验室首次合成了氨。2007年化学家格哈德埃特尔在哈伯研究所证实了氢气与氮气在固体催化剂表面合成氨的反应过程,获得诺贝尔化学奖。  (1)将氢气和氮气在高温
今年是利用科学寻找外星生命50周年。虽然目前没有发现任何外星生命,但是人们对外星生命依然热情关注。如果真的有外星生物,它们会是什么样子呢?许多科幻影视做了种种设想。英国著名科学家霍金也构想过多种类型的外星生命。  全身瘫痪的英国理论物理学家霍金有着超强的想象力,他关于黑洞和其他天体的理论研究对宇宙探索有着重要的贡献,被誉为继爱因斯坦之后世界上最著名的科学思想家和最杰出的理论物理学家。霍金行动不便,