绿蝽象(Nezara、iridula L.)是阿尔及利亚大豆生产上危害严重的害虫之一。绿蝽象除危害大豆外,还危害菜豆、蕃茄、黄瓜、冬瓜、白菜、紫云英和苋菜、龙葵,曼陀萝等多种作物和植物,根据169头成虫分析,雌雄性比为1:1;绿色型、镶边型与黄带型的自然比例分别为52.7%、33.1%和14.2%。调查32个卵块,平均母块卵里有卵92.76粒;7月份由卵发育成成虫的历期23天,详述了各龄若虫的形态、习性及其历期。温度高、湿度大和寄主生长繁茂时,则虫量大且危害重。倍硫磷、甲基1605和灵丹份对大豆无药害但药效好;倍硫磷的400倍可液兼治红蜘蛛,200倍液可兼治斜纹夜蛾,拖拉机牵引喷药机械施药,比人工施药速度快、省药且防效好。
Nezara (iridula L.) is one of the most devastating pests in the production of soy in Algeria. In addition to endanger the green stink bug, but also endanger beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, wax gourd, cabbage, asparagus and amaranth, Solanum nigrum, Mandolin and other crops and plants, according to the analysis of 169 adult, male and female ratio of 1: 1; the natural proportions of green, striped and yellow bands are 52.7%, 33.1% and 14.2% respectively. A total of 32 egg masses were found, with 92.76 eggs per egg. In July, the eggs developed into adult worms for 23 days. The morphological, habitat and duration of each nymph were detailed. When the temperature is high, the humidity is high, and the host grows lushly, the insect quantity is heavy and the damage is heavy. Fenthion, methyl 1605 and Ling part of the soybean harmless but good efficacy; 400 times times of parathion can cure both red spider, 200 times the solution can be treated by Spodoptera litura, tractor traction spraying machine application, Than artificial spraying speed, provincial medicine and good control effect.