我国民诉法当中明确赋予检察院对民事审判活动的监督权,但是在实践中出现了不少问题,引发了学者们的讨论。检察院提出抗诉存在的问题是随意性较大, 有违当事人的处分权,以及启动再审程序具有盲目性等。完善我国民事诉讼法中检察院抗诉制度,构建我国的民事抗诉理论是民事诉讼的重要问题。
China’s Civil Procedure Law explicitly gives the procuratorate power to supervise civil trial activities, but many problems have arisen in practice, triggering discussions among scholars. Procuratorate put forward the problem of protest is more arbitrary, contrary to the disposition of the parties, as well as the initiation of retrial procedures are blind and so on. Perfecting the protest system of procuratorate in the civil procedural law of our country and constructing the theory of civil protest in our country are the important issues of civil lawsuit.