
来源 :商品混凝土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghongyingyxl
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商品混凝土被广泛的应用在建筑、水利、交通等工程建设之中,在工程结构里承担着重要角色,混凝土的质量与整个施工过程的质量息息相关,但因施工不当引起混凝土的强度不足,导致影响结构或构件的承载力降低,降低混凝土的抗渗性能及耐久性等,构件的刚度下降、变形过大,混凝土的强度直接影响着整个工程质量,也影响了建筑物正常的使用,因此对混凝土强度的控制应以足够的重视。混凝土强度不足是由多种原因造成的,本文通过实例对商品混凝土强度不足现状及原因分析、处理方案,并根据实际工作经验提出一些相应预防措施,以保证混凝土强度达到设计要求,确保工程的安全。 Commercial concrete is widely used in engineering construction such as construction, water conservancy, transportation and so on. It plays an important role in the engineering structure. The quality of concrete is closely related to the quality of the entire construction process. However, the concrete strength is not sufficient due to improper construction, Reduce the bearing capacity of the structure or components, reduce the impermeability and durability of the concrete, the rigidity of the component is reduced and the deformation is too large. The strength of the concrete directly affects the quality of the whole project and affects the normal use of the building. Therefore, The strength of the control should be enough attention. The strength of concrete is caused by a variety of reasons. In this paper, the status quo and reasons of the lack of strength of commercial concrete are analyzed by examples, and the solutions are given. Based on the actual working experience, some corresponding preventive measures are put forward to ensure the concrete strength meets the design requirements and ensure the safety of the project .
一场秋雨使城市的气温骤然下降。  一把把五颜六色的雨伞,像盛开在公交站台上的朵朵菊花,却少了几分浪漫,多了几分浮躁——站台,看上去比平时拥挤了许多。一辆辆公交车疾驰而来,一批批乘客蜂拥而上。他终于等上了开往西城去的车。  不过,在上车前,他还是麻利地脱掉了身上的雨衣——那件即使在自己村上也鲜见的、还是父亲活着的时候雨天经常下地干活时穿的雨衣。厚实得很,既挡雨又保暖。车上,人挨人,他把雨衣反叠着拿在