在讲“反证法”这一课之前,我给学生讲一个故事: 传说,古代有个迷信神的国家,神是最高的审判长。死囚在处决之前要请神作最后的裁决。办法是:在两张小纸片上分别写上“活”字和“死”字,由典狱官让死囚来抽,如果抽到“活”字就可得到赦免。一次,一个死囚将被处决,他的仇人为了不让他得到赦免的机会,就买通典狱官,把两张纸片都写上了“死”字,仇人以为这下他死定了。凑巧,死囚的一个朋友知道了这诡计,就告诉了死囚。死囚沉思片刻,高
Before the lesson on “anti-evidence”, I told a student a story: According to legend, there was a nation that had superstition in ancient times, and God was the highest presiding judge. The death row asked God to make a final ruling before execution. The method is: write the words “live” and “dead” on two small pieces of paper. The warden will ask the death row to draw, and if the word “living” is drawn, it will be pardoned. Once, a death row will be executed. In order not to give him a chance to be pardoned, his enemies will buy a general prison officer and write both pieces of paper with the word “dead”. The enemy thinks that he is dead. Coincidentally, a friend of the death row knew the trick and told the death row. Death sentence contemplative moment, high