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当今社会就业压力不断加大,在教师行业做了几年之后,许多教师不再像上世纪90年代那样,经常跳槽了。特别是新高考对数学的高度重视,高中数学教师备受关注,大多数教师已在业务上加大投入,但对职业成长还是迷茫不知所措。迷茫之处在于,大多数教师实际是疲于应付学校、学生、社会等各方面的压力,把大量的精力花在日常教学上了,不能够发展自己的个性,做事没有成效感,没有成就感。现在大多数教师一旦获得了教学资格就很少努力钻研了,这种现象可能是由于一种错误的观念所致,即教师是一个很容易做好的职业。然而事实并非如此,大多数教师在做学生时意 As the pressure of employment in today’s society continues to grow, many teachers do not change their job often as they did in the 1990s. In particular, the new college entrance examination attaches great importance to mathematics, high school mathematics teachers have drawn great attention, most teachers have increased investment in business, but still confused about career growth overwhelmed. Confused is that most teachers are actually tired of dealing with the pressure of schools, students, society and other aspects, put a lot of energy on daily teaching, not to develop their own personality, work without a sense of accomplishment, there is no sense of accomplishment . Now that most teachers, once qualified for teaching, seldom study hard, this phenomenon may be due to a false notion that teachers are an easy job to do well. However, this is not the case. Most teachers are students
据海洋石油界权威人士称 ,我国今后五年将投资 1 2 0 0亿元开发海洋石油 ,争取使海洋石油年产量达到 40 0 0万吨 (当量 )。海洋蕴藏了全球 70 %以上的油气资源。我国海洋产业
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The multi-bond dissociation dynamics of oxalyl chloride ((ClCO)2) is investigated by ab initio calculation. Dissociation of C-Cl bond of oxalyl chloride in the