The relationship between local tumor recurrence and survival is the most controversial issue in the field of oncology surgery today. The local recurrence of cancer in the head and neck and pelvic region causes local important structures to be involved and thus has a significant impact on survival. In breast cancer, malignant melanoma, or malignant tumors of the extremities, local recurrence rarely produces fatal consequences. If it increases the chance of distant metastasis, it can affect survival. This problem has important clinical significance, especially for the treatment of limb soft tissue sarcoma. Treatment of extremities with soft tissue sarcoma in a joint limb-preserving manner was associated with a higher rate of local recurrence compared with the first-stage amputation. Many authors believe that patients with local recurrences have an increased risk of distant metastases and death. Others believe that the appearance of systemic lesions does not depend on local recurrence. And local lesions can often obtain satisfactory treatment results, so it does not affect survival.