患者 ,女 ,70岁。主因绝经 2 0 +年 ,阴道出血 2 0余天 ,伴下腹痛于 1999年 1月 9日入院。入院诊断 :卵巢癌。入院后完善各项检查后 ,于 1999年 1月 13日行手术治疗 ,术中见宫体结节状 ,约 10cm× 8cm× 5cm ,右卵巢实性肿物 8cm× 5cm× 5cm ,取部分肿物送冰冻 ,?
Patient, female, 70 years old. The main cause of menopause 20 + years, more than 20 days vaginal bleeding, with abdominal pain on January 9, 1999 admission. Admission diagnosis: ovarian cancer. After admission to improve the inspection, in January 13, 1999 underwent surgical treatment, see the palace nodules, about 10cm × 8cm × 5cm, 8cm × 5cm × 5cm right ovarian solid tumors, take some swollen Send frozen,?