四婶的女儿小云在广东打工,每月都寄钱回家。开始,小云一个月寄400元钱回来,乡亲们互相传看那张汇款单,纷纷夸小云有本事,称赞四婶养了个好女儿。 渐渐地,小云寄回家的钱越来越多,最多的时候一个月寄了5000元。乡亲们拿起那张巨额汇款单,睁大眼睛说:“小云干什么活,挣到这么多钱?”四婶说:“小云是推销员,推销电器。”有个好心人提醒四婶:“村头的王老头花十几万本钱开店卖电器,也没什么赚头。小云一个女孩子两手空空出去,一个月竟赚到5000元。
Aunt Siu Yun daughter in Guangdong to work, send money every month to go home. At first, Xiaoyun send 400 yuan a month to return, folks look at each other that remittances, have exaggerated the cloud have the ability to praise the four aunt raised a good daughter. Gradually, Xiaoyun more and more money to send home, up to a month, sent 5,000 yuan. Folks picked up the huge remittance bill, eyes wide open and said: “What do you do for small Yun, earn so much money?” Aunt said: “Xiaoyun is a salesman, selling electrical appliances.” There is a good heart to remind Aunt : "The village head of the old man to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to open shop selling electrical appliances, but also no profit ... Xiaoyun a girl empty-handed, actually earn 5000 a month.