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据调查,今年化肥市场呈现出五大变化。 1.竞争日趋激烈。面对化肥经营渠道的拓宽,多年来由供销社、农资部门主宰化肥市场的局面有所改变,化肥生产厂家、农资系统、农业部门三家共同成为市场竞争的主体,而谁是化肥经营的主渠道,将通过竞争方能见分晓。 2.供求基本平衡。前几年由于进口化肥的增加和国内化肥工业的飞速发展,化肥出现了供大于求的现象,呈现买方市场。但今年随着国家对进口化肥数量的严加控制,国内 According to the survey, there are five major changes in the fertilizer market this year. 1. The competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Faced with the broadening of chemical fertilizer management channels, the situation in which the supply and marketing cooperatives and agricultural resources departments dominate the fertilizer market has changed for some years. Fertilizer manufacturers, agricultural production systems, and agricultural sectors have become the main players in market competition, and who are the operators of chemical fertilizers. The main channel will be known through the competition. 2. Basic balance between supply and demand. In the past few years, due to the increase of imported fertilizers and the rapid development of the domestic chemical fertilizer industry, the phenomenon of oversupply of chemical fertilizers appeared, presenting a buyer’s market. However, this year, as the country strictly controls the quantity of imported fertilizers,
据报道,联合碳化物公司设在美国路易斯安那州塔夫特的工厂的壬基酚乙氧化物表面活性剂已开始投入商业化生产. According to reports, the Union Carbide Corporation’s non
据有关资料,近期国内聚氯乙烯需求正处淡季,供大于求仍然持续,其市场价格走势基本平稳. According to relevant information, the demand for polyvinyl chloride is curren
近日从四川省经贸委获悉,1999年四川省将提高高浓度优质化肥的计划产量,其中,尿素产量将达到180万吨.硝铵达到150万吨,石磷铵达到32万吨. Recently learned from the Sichua
美国蒂坦国际轮胎公司最近宣布,将在乌拉圭投资2900万美元,以扩大乌拉圭轮胎的产量. Titan International Tire Company recently announced that it will invest 29 millio
据了解,2月份,我国天然橡胶各地进口烟胶到货仍不多,不少地区售价均趋于坚挺.如广州市场上进口3烟胶的实际成交价已达9600元/吨,而哈尔滨、沈阳等地的成交价已高达 It is un
由碳酸钙工业编辑部和台湾磊鑫股份公司共同筹备发起,国家超细粉 Prepared by the calcium carbonate industry editorial office and Taiwan Leixin Co., Ltd., the nation