杰出的天体物理学家、对理论物理产生巨大影响的埃德温·萨尔皮特(Edwin Salpeter,右图)于去年11月26日在其纽约的家中逝世,享年83岁。萨尔皮特是美国康乃尔大学物理系的J·G·怀特杰出教授,研究兴趣广泛。在超过半个世纪的研究生涯里,他一
Outstanding astrophysicist Edwin Salpeter, pictured right, who had a huge influence on theoretical physics, died at his home in New York City on November 26 last year at the age of 83. Sal Pitt is a professor of physics at Cornell University in the United States, Professor J. White, a professor with extensive research interests. He spent more than half a century in his research career