
来源 :亚太经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haludahuaidan
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当前,全球经济贸易竞争的重点由货物贸易转向服务贸易,作为世界前两大经济体,中国和美国服务贸易与投资关系尤其值得关注。文章分析了服务贸易在中美两国对外贸易中的地位,从规模和行业结构方面阐述了中美两国服务业贸易与投资的现状,及其发展对两国经济的影响,最后提出加强中美服务业贸易与投资的政策建议。 At present, the focus of global economic and trade competition shifts from the trade in goods to the service trade. As the world’s two largest economies, the trade and investment relationship between China and the United States is particularly noteworthy. The article analyzes the status of service trade in the foreign trade between China and the United States, and expounds the status quo of service trade and investment between China and the United States in terms of scale and industry structure and the impact of its development on the economy of both countries. Finally, Policy Recommendations on Trade and Investment in Services in the United States.
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【背景】   肥胖在全球呈流行趋势,已经成为各个年龄段的主要健康问题之一。英国的肥胖人群在过去的25年已经翻了一番,超重已成为成年人的一种“常态”。而2002年中国居民营