Some Analyses on Effects of Site Classification on Ground Motion Characteristics in the Chi-Chi,Taiw

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vvf022
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According to the epicenter distance and the site classification, the 404 groups of earthquake recordings of the main shock of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan China earthquake in 1999 are catalogued. Based on these data, we analyze the statistical features of duration, PGA, envelopes and the response spectra ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the acceleration recordings. The results of these analyses show that the effect of site classification on the acceleration of various components is obvious; furthermore, fault direction also has certain effects on the characteristics of the horizontal components of ground motion. The detailed research results are as follows: (1) the duration of the horizontal components of acceleration records increases with the softening of the site; (2) the direction of fault slip has some effects on PGA’s attenuation features; (3) the average envelopes of acceleration records at different distances and site classes are basically single peak functions of time and the envelopes of horizontal and vertical components of ground motion are obviously different; (4) with the same epicenter distance, EW/NS response spectrum ratios tend to approximate 1.0 as the site becomes softer and the period shorter. V/H response spectrum ratios in short periods (<0.1s) increase with the softening of site, however, V/H ratios within the long-period range (>characteristic period) decrease with the softening of the site, and the decrease of V/EW ratio speeds up relatively. According to the epicenter distance and the site classification, the 404 groups of earthquake recordings of the main shock of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan China earthquake in 1999 are cataloged. Based on these data, we analyze the statistical features of duration, PGA, envelopes and the response spectra ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the acceleration recordings. The results of these analyzes show that the effect of site classification on the acceleration of various components is obvious; furthermore, fault direction also has certain effects on the characteristics of the horizontal components of ground motion. The detailed research results are as follows: (1) the duration of the horizontal components of acceleration records increases with the softening of the site; (2) the direction of fault slip has some effects on PGA’s attenuation features; (3) the average envelopes of acceleration records at different distances and site classes are basically single peak functions of time and the envelopes of horizontal and vertical components of ground motion are distinct different; (4) with the same epicenter distance, EW / NS response spectrum ratios tend tend to approximate 1.0 as the site becomes softer and the period shorter. in short periods (<0.1s) increase with the softening of the site, however, V / H ratios within the long-period range (> characteristic period) decrease with the softening of the site, and the decrease of V / EW ratio speeds up relatively
目的 :探讨鼻咽癌放射敏感性异质性与P5 3mRNA、FasmRNA、Bcl 2的相关性。方法 :用RT PCR检测人鼻咽癌细胞系CNE 2Z亚克隆株H5和S1的P5 3mRNA、FasmRNA表达 ;用Western blot
Bertrand Meyer是著名的面向对象技术专家,Eiffel语言(Eiffel语言被誉为是最纯粹、理论性最强的面向对象语言)和方法学的创造者,瑞士理工大学教授(他的前任是著名的Niklaus W
他 ,今年 5 7岁 ,32年党龄 ,在抄表收费岗位上已有 2 8个春秋 ,工作勤勤恳恳 ,一步一个脚印 ,热忱为广大客户服务 ,先后数十次被评为优秀共产党员、先进生产者 ,1999年被评为
2003年9月的一个下午。成都市支矶石街3号。 顺着半掩的房门,屋内的情景映入我们的眼帘:一位头发苍白的老者坐在沙发上,静静地翻看着手中的报刊,神情安详,目光矍铄,眉宇之间