根据直流稳压电源的发展历史,本文提出以普遍使用电子管的直流稳压电源作为第一代的直流稳压电源,其典型代表为电子管稳压器。第二代直流稳压电源的特征是使用半导体三极管、二极管和集成化技术,其典型代表是晶体管串联稳压器。第三代是新型的开关电源,主要使用了高频开关变换技术和大规模集成化技术。 着重讨论了使用极为广泛的晶体管串联稳压电源和当代先进的开关电源的发展特点。先进的开关电源具有效率高、面积小、重量轻等突出优点,是当前电子设备小型化、轻量化比较理想的电源。这种先进的开关电源发展极为迅速,引起了广泛的注意。
According to the history of the development of DC power supply, this paper proposes to use the DC power supply tube commonly used as the first generation of DC power supply, the typical representative of the tube regulator. The second generation of DC regulated power supplies is characterized by the use of semiconductor transistors, diodes and integrated technologies, typified by transistor series regulators. The third generation is a new type of switching power supply, the main use of high-frequency switching transform technology and large-scale integrated technology. Focus on the use of a very wide range of transistor series power supply and the contemporary development of advanced switching power supply features. Advanced switching power supply with high efficiency, small size, light weight and other outstanding advantages, is the current miniaturization of electronic equipment, lightweight ideal power supply. The development of this advanced switching power supply is extremely rapid, aroused widespread attention.