查全性教授是中国现代电化学的奠基人之一.在他的带领下,武汉大学化学系电化学研究室在基础电化学和应用电化学领域取得了卓越的成绩.查教授及同事们在过去几十年里,栽培学生无数.后来,一部分学生有幸成为推动世界电化学学科发展的中坚力量.在这篇综述中,作者将概述查教授及同事们在电化学领域打下的夯实基础,及作者在多孔电极方向的研究进展.本文的所有作者均于不同时期毕业于武汉大学.站在巨人的肩膀上,我们实属荣幸!“,”Professor C.S.Cha was among the pioneers who have introduced modem electrochemistry to China.Under his lead-ership,the electrochemical research group in Wuhan University became one of the global powerhouses in fundamental and applied electrochemical researches.During the past many decades,Professor Cha and his colleagues in the university have educated and trained many students who have become part of the backbone of electrochemistry worldwide.In this review,we demonstrate the solid foundation laid by Professor Cha and his colleagues in Wuhan University,and the advancements made in the area of porous electrodes by the authors.All the authors in this paper graduated from Wuhan University at different times.We are fortunate to be standing on the shoulders of a giant.