1987年春,在二里头遗址 V 区的东缘,圪垱头村偃师第二橡胶厂工人在厂内建水泥池子挖土时发现三件铜器和一件残石玉器,还有残陶器(皆被遗弃)。由于发现时仅当事的两三人知道,他们便私藏起来。我队得知此事后,即多方追查。得知他们已将此批铜器卖出,我们随即报请偃师县公安局协助追查。经公安人员的努力,追回了铜鼎和铜斝。另一件据当事人描述,当为铜觚,尚待继续追查之。
In the spring of 1987, on the eastern edge of the V area of Erlitou Site, workers from Second Rubber Factory of Yanshi University in Qionglai Village discovered three pieces of bronze ware and one piece of residual stone jade while digging soil in the factory. Are abandoned.) When it was discovered that only two or three people involved in the incident were aware, they were hiding themselves. After my team learned of this incident, they were traced by many parties. That they have sold this batch of bronze, we immediately reported Yanshi County Public Security Bureau to help track down. The efforts of public security officers, recovered the copper tripod and copper. According to the other party described as copper, yet to be traced.