Thiamine hydrochloride injections often discolor or precipitate after long storage. The higher the concentration, the more likely the above situation occurs and the more severe it is. So far, completely stable injections are not yet available. Now I will write my own experience in this work. If anything is wrong, please correct me and supplement it. Raw materials: Some of the thiamine hydrochloride raw materials we use are stimulating odors that begin to agglomerate and appear as hydrochloric acid. After dissolution, the solution appears yellow or yellowish, and there is also colorless. However, no matter if the solution is colored or not, it is slightly turbid. It is difficult to guarantee the stability of the finished product with such raw materials. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this, which is one of the main keys to determine the pros and cons of the product. When selecting raw materials, the grades may only be tested and should not be relied upon. its