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[目的]分析临川区2010年6月洪涝灾害发生后流行性腮腺炎(腮腺炎)流行病学分布特征,为控制腮腺炎流行提供依据。[方法]采用描述流行病学方法综合分析临川区《中国疾病预防控制信息系统》腮腺炎病例报告资料。[结果]①2010年1月~12月全区共报告腮腺炎病例402例,发病率为36.97/10万,各乡镇均有发病,以洪灾区罗针、唱凯发病人数最高,分别占总病例数31.59%、28.61%;②人群普遍发病,以学生、散居儿童、幼托儿童居多,分别占总病例数57.46%、23.63%、13.68%;③各年龄段均有腮腺炎病例报告,6岁~10岁儿童最多,占51.49%,男性多于女性;④6月份发病达高峰,占总病例数55.47%,7月份发病人数83人,占总病例数20.65%。[结论]洪水灾害导致的人群聚集居住和不良的卫生状况是流行性腮腺炎爆发流行的主要原因,预防接种是控制腮腺炎的有效措施。 [Objective] To analyze the epidemiological distribution of mumps (Mumps) in Linchuan District in June 2010 after flooding and provide the basis for controlling the epidemic of mumps. [Methods] A descriptive epidemiological method was used to comprehensively analyze the reported data of “China Disease Prevention and Control Information System” mumps cases in Linchuan District. [Results] ① From January to December 2010, a total of 402 mumps cases were reported in the district, with an incidence rate of 36.97 / 100 000. The incidence of mumps was reported in all towns and townships. (31.59%, 28.61%); ②The general incidence of the disease was mainly among students, scattered children and childcare children, accounting for 57.46%, 23.63% and 13.68% of the total number of cases respectively; ③The reported cases of mumps were all aged 6 years Up to 10 years old accounted for 51.49%, more men than women; ④ the peak incidence in June, accounting for 55.47% of the total number of cases, the number of onset in July 83, the total number of cases 20.65%. [Conclusion] The main cause of the popularization of mumps is the main reason for the epidemic of mumps caused by flood-induced population encroachment and poor sanitation. Vaccination is an effective measure to control mumps.
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