膨润土具有良好的防渗性能 ,对膨润土进行工艺加工制成填埋场防渗卷材 ,可以解决人造有机防渗材料费用高、施工复杂、易穿刺等缺点。对膨润土类型、胶粘剂的确定 ,卷材的成型工艺及卷材的渗透性能和力学性能作了比较详细地研究。实验原理主要是 Darcy定律和 Mohi- Coulum b理论。测试结果表明 ,膨润土是一种渗透性能和力学性能优良的材料。在膨润土中加入胶粘剂以后改善了膨润土的渗透性能和力学性能。该文开发的膨润土防渗卷材是理想的安全填埋场的衬层材料
Bentonite has good impermeability, bentonite processing technology into landfill impermeable membrane, artificial anti-seepage material can solve the high cost, complex construction, easy to puncture and other shortcomings. The bentonite type, the determination of adhesive, the membrane forming process and the membrane permeability and mechanical properties made a more detailed study. The experimental principle is mainly Darcy’s law and Mohi-Coulum b theory. The test results show that bentonite is a material with excellent permeability and mechanical properties. The addition of an adhesive to bentonite improves the permeability and mechanical properties of bentonite. The bentonite impermeable membrane developed in this paper is the ideal liner material for safety landfill