自从我在城里买了新房,把母亲从乡下接来住之后,母亲就把我一日三餐做饭的活儿全揽了过去。母亲敬业得很,她把我上下班的时间摸得很准,早上起床,母亲陪着我喝下她刚熬好的热乎乎的小米粥,让我轻松地去上班。中午1 2点,饭桌上的菜已三盘四碟地摆好了,两碗热气腾腾的饭也盛到桌上来了。下午6点,除了饭菜摆上了桌,还为我准备了一杯饮料。下班回到家,不仅胃暖起来,心也暖起来了。吃饭的时候,母亲一边陪我吃一边不眨眼地瞅着我。哪盘菜我多夹了两筷子,她就把
Since I bought a new house in the city and took my mother from the countryside, my mother took all my meals and meals in the past. Her mother was very professional and she took my time to work very accurately and got up in the morning. Her mother accompanied me to drink her warm millet gruel and let me go to work easily. At noon 1 2 o’clock, the dishes on the dinner table have been set in three dishes and four dishes, and the steaming two bowls of rice are also on the table. 6 o’clock, in addition to food on the table, but also for me to prepare a drink. Home from get off work, not only the stomach warm up, the heart is warming up. While eating, my mother looked at me while eating with me. I picked up two more chopsticks dish, she put