My Mother's Gift

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I grew up in a small town where the elemen-tary school was a ten-minute walk from my houseand in an age,not so long ago,when childrencould go home for lunch and find their motherswaiting. At the time, I did not consider this a luxury,although today it certainly would be. I took it forgranted that mothers were the sandwich-makers,the finger-painting appreciators and the homeworkmonitors. I never questioned that this ambitious,intelligent woman, who had had a career before Iwas born and would eventually return to a career,would spend almost every lunch hour throughoutmy elementary school years just with me. I grew up in a small town where the elemen-tary school was a ten-minute walk from my houseand in an age, not so long ago, when childrencould go home for lunch and find their motherswaiting. At the time, I did not consider this a luxury, though today it certainly would be. I took it forgranted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciators and the homeworkmonitors. I never questioned that this ambitious, intelligent woman, who had had a career before Iwas born and would eventually return to a career, would spend almost every lunch hour throughout my elementary school years just with me.
2005年的下半年,欧洲的几个联赛赛场上不约而同地出现了几支上升势头惊人的 球队,他们一改此前赛季的颓势,在联赛中突飞猛进,宛若服下了神奇的复活药水, 重新展现了几个赛季
D.A.Cruse(1986)在《语义学》(Lexical Semantics)一书中指出:语境对词的词义有选择作用和调整作用.前者指语境从含有歧义的词中选择一个合乎语境的义项,后者指语境调整某一
I前言 我厂在1955年7月以前,只有少数贵重铣刀(如齿轮刀具)委托工具车间给刃磨,其余都是工人自已在普通砂轮上刃磨,甚至如三面刃铣刀都是工人自己刃磨。因而就不能保持这些刀