波兰位于欧洲大陆的正中心,也是欧盟最大的成员国之一,其社会稳定、经济繁荣,具有良好的商业环境。凯尔采(KIELCE)位于波兰的核心地带,是重要的经济、科学、文化和旅游中心。近年来,凯尔采市政府极其关注中国的经济和文化,与中国在经济领域有多项合作。凯尔采博览中心,是波兰第二大展览中心,拥有30多个国际展览厅(馆),每年在此举办的国际展览不计其数。本期最佳商展《到凯尔采参展去》得到了凯尔采市市长Wojciech Lubawski、凯尔采国际展览公司总经理Dr.Andrzej Mochon和北京恒立伟业国际展览有限责任公司的大力支持,希望所提供的信息,可以助推中国企业开拓波兰及东欧市场。
Poland is located in the very center of the European continent and one of the largest member states of the EU. Its social stability, economic prosperity and good business environment. Located in the heart of Poland, KIELCE is an important economic, scientific, cultural and tourist center. In recent years, the Kielce municipal government has paid close attention to China’s economy and culture and has cooperated with China in the economic field. Kielce Expo Center, Poland’s second largest exhibition center, has more than 30 international exhibition halls (Museum), held annually in this international exhibition countless. This edition of the best trade show “Kielce to participate in the exhibition,” has been Korshner Mayor Wojciech Lubawski, Kielce general manager of international exhibition Dr.Andrzej Mochon and Beijing Hengli Albert CHAN International Exhibition Co., Ltd. strong support , I hope the information provided can help Chinese enterprises to develop the market in Poland and Eastern Europe.