卫生间的现状 资料显示,从1979年至1997年的19年中,全国城镇住宅建设投资共13650亿元,竣工面积31.5亿m~2,人均居住面积从3.6m~2上升到8.8m~2,约二分之一城镇居民搬进了新居。人们在从“无房住”到“有房住”的转变过程中,越来越多地对住宅的质量给予关注。家居装饰中“第二空间”(厨房和厕所)文化风潮正悄然兴起,虽然在住宅面积中它们只占15%
The current status of the bathrooms shows that in the 19 years from 1979 to 1997, the total investment in urban housing construction in the country totaled 1.3650 trillion yuan, with a completed area of 3.15 billion m 2 and a living area per capita of 3.6m 2 to 8.8 m 2. About one-half of town dwellers moved into new homes. People are increasingly paying attention to the quality of dwellings during their transition from “non-dwelling” to “dwelling”. The culture of “second space” (kitchens and toilets) in home decor is quietly rising, though they account for only 15% of the dwelling size