1995年秋我们在英国访问讲学,并在伦敦举办画展期间,特请我国驻英大使馆文化处联系安排,有幸专访英国现代派油著名艺术家吕希安·弗洛伊德(Lucian·Freud)。他是著名的精神病学家、心理学家,在世界上很有影响的弗洛伊德(The.Freud)的孙子。吕希安·弗洛伊德(Lucian·Freud)是唯一健在的和培根·享利、摩尔齐名的英国三大艺术家之一。他的油画作品被英国、法国、美国、德国、日本等世界各大博物馆、美术馆广为收藏。堪称现代油画大师。 9月15日伦敦的秋天细雨濛濛、浸透着一丝丝清新的凉意。我们和文化处范中汇参赞、二秘时坚东,驱车城西泰晤士河畔建筑艺术家饭店,下午准点1时见到吕希安·弗洛伊德先生。我们选择了临河靠窗的一面坐下,先生略带倦意地讲:“昨天晚上我刚从法国赶回来,会见各位,我的头脑里还在旅游之中。现在让我表示欢迎中国的朋友们”。这位现代油画的巨子脸型秀长,白黑透红的欧洲肤色,貌相朴实平淡,着一身深灰色相尼子西装。言谈中眼神深遂,透露出艺术家
In the autumn of 1995, when we visited the UK to give lectures and held art exhibitions in London, we asked the Chinese Embassy Cultural Office to make arrangements to arrange an interview with Lucian Freud, a famous modernist oil artist in the United Kingdom. He is a celebrated psychiatrist, psychologist, grandson of The.Freud, influential in the world. Lucian Freud is one of only three prominent British artists to be famous for Bacon Henry and Moore. His paintings are widely collected by major museums and art galleries in Britain, France, the United States, Germany and Japan. Master of modern oil painting. September 15 London drizzle, soaked with a trace of fresh coolness. We met with the Culture Department’s Fan Counselor. When the Second Secretary was Kennedy East, we drove west of the Thames riverside building artist’s restaurant. At 1 pm, we met Mr. Lusian Freud. We chose to sit by the side of the window by the river, and Mr. slightly weary: “Last night I just came back from France, met you and my mind is still traveling. Now let me welcome Chinese friends ”. The gorgeous face of this modern oil painting shows a long, dark red European skin color, looks plain and plain, with a dark gray Nepalese suits. Deep conversation in the conversation, revealing the artist