Evaluating Kinetic Composing of Cell Wall for Low-Fiber Mutation Rice

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zaodt
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The work compared the differences of low fiber mutation rice (LF, Nendao) that selectedthrough gamma-ray (γ) with parental variety Shuangkezao (CK) on their biologicaldevelopment and cell wall composing after rice heading stage. Comparing with parentalrice, LF rice revealed an advantage on its vegetative growing by increasing the yieldsof leave blade, leave sheath and stem for 27.77, 30.19 and 37.96% respectively. And thecellulose content of LF rice straw was decreased remarkably for 23.9%, the hemicellulose,lignin and biogenic silicon contents were increased contrarily for 11.94, 8.79 and 5.60%respectively. Moreover, the crude protein content was increased by 20.71% for LF rice andwith an improvement on its solubility for 63.49% concomitantly. The results indicatedthat the low-fiber mutation rice exhibited its potential as a fodder-rice variety or asdual-purpose rice to improve fiber degradability of straw. The work compared the differences of low fiber mutation rice (LF, Nendao) that selectedthrough gamma-ray (γ) with parental variety Shuangkezao (CK) on their biological development and cell wall composing after rice heading stage. Comparing with parentalrice, LF rice revealed an advantage on its vegetative growing by increasing the yield of leave blade, leave sheath and stem for 27.77, 30.19 and 37.96% respectively. And thecellulose content of LF rice straw was decreased remarkably for 23.9%, the hemicellulose, lignin and biogenic silicon contents were increased contrarily for 11.94, 8.79 and 5.60% respectively. However, the crude protein content was increased by 20.71% for LF rice and with an improvement on 63% concomitantly. The results showed that the low-fiber mutation rice exhibited its potential as a fodder- rice variety or asdual-purpose rice to improve fiber degradability of straw.
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