1 临床资料 例1 32岁,歼-6飞行员,飞行时间1600h。经历过3次航空生理训练,体验了缺氧时的主观感觉。在一次高空飞行中发生了缺氧症,当时意识清醒,但记不清飞行高度。主诉缺氧时的症状为“兴奋,头发热”。马上联系起航空生理训练缺氧体验时的感觉,很快确定为高空缺氧,迅速下降到3000m的安全高度,症状得到缓解。返航后检查缺氧原因为面罩漏气。
A clinical data example 1 32-year-old, J-6 pilots, flight time 1600h. Experienced three times aerobics training, experience the subjective feeling of hypoxia. Hypoxia occurred during a high-altitude flight when it was clear-headed but could not remember the altitude of flight. The main complaint of hypoxia when the symptoms of “excited, hot hair.” Immediately contact the feeling of aerobic training aerobic training experience, quickly identified as altitude hypoxia, rapidly dropped to a safe altitude of 3000m, the symptoms have been alleviated. Return to check the cause of hypoxia mask leakage.