最近,读者给本刊来信反映,他原是有五年教龄的民办教师,且评定了教师职称,后来考入了师范学校,毕业后又做教师工作,当地教育行政部门说他是属于大中专学生分配,应该有“见习期”。来信询问,民办教师考入高等学校和中等专业学校毕业后是否实行“见习期”?国家对此问题有何规定?为此,我们走访了国家教委有关部门,现答复如下: 国家人事局、国家劳动总局、教育部联合下发的《关于原是民办教师、集体所有制企、事业单位的正式职工考入高等学校和中等专业学校毕业后是否实行见习期问题的通知》[国人(1981)284号]文件中明确规定:“原为民办教师(教龄在一年以上的)
Recently, readers reported to the journal that he was originally a private teacher with a teaching age of five years, and he assessed the title of the teacher. Later, he was admitted to a normal school, and then he worked as a teacher after graduation. The local education administration department said that he belongs to Dazhong. For the allocation of students, there should be a “probationary period.” The letter asks whether the privately-run teachers have entered the “probationary period” after graduating from colleges and secondary specialized schools and what are the national regulations on this issue? To this end, we visited the relevant department of the State Education Commission. The reply is as follows: The National Personnel Bureau, the State “Notice on whether the formal employees of private-owned teachers, collectively-owned enterprises, and public institutions were admitted to colleges and secondary specialized schools after they graduated for the period of apprenticeship” issued jointly by the General Administration of Labor and the Ministry of Education [People (1981) No. 284 The document clearly stipulates that: "Previously private teachers (teaching years above one year)