女娲补天 以中国古代“四大”神话之一名飘古至今

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情感真挚情节生动情缘善美传说很久很久以前,没有天,没有地,没有山川湖泊,没有花草树木,没有飞禽走兽,更不用说有人类。在盘古开天辟地之后才有了万物生灵。不知哪一年,西天突然塌了一块,天河中的水哗哗地从缺口流下人间,淹死了无数人畜,天下顿时沦为泽国。当时,有个姑娘名叫女娲,住在再大的水也淹不到的山崖洞里。她目睹百姓颠沛流离,动了恻隐之心,立誓要把天上缺口补起来。她离开所住的崖洞,爬过无数高山,淌过许多大河,到处寻 Emotional affectionate plot vivid love beauty legend long long ago, no day, no place, no mountains and lakes, no flowers and trees, no birds and animals, not to mention human beings. After Pangu epoch only have all creatures. I do not know which year, a sudden collapse of the West, the Milky Way water rushing from the gap flowed down the world, drowned countless people and livestock, the world suddenly became Zeguo. At that time, there was a girl named Nvwa, living in a large cave where the water can not be flooded. She witnessed the displacement of the people, moved her heart, and vowed to make up for the gap in the sky. She left the cave where she lived, climbed numerous mountains, drifted across many rivers, searching everywhere