肾病综合征(nephrotic syndrome,NS)是肾小球疾病中的一组临床症候群,是免疫介导性炎症疾病,临床表现为大量蛋白尿、低白蛋白血症、水肿,伴或不伴有高脂血症。该病具有病程长,经常反复、迁延难愈的特点。如不及时进行正规治疗,尿中蛋白会持续损害肾小球,造成肾小球的不可逆损伤,使病情进入慢性肾衰,最终导致尿毒症。作为一名临床
Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a group of clinical syndromes in glomerular disease, which is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease with clinical manifestations of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, with or without high Lipidosis. The disease has a long course, often repeated, persistent refractory features. If not regular treatment, urinary protein will continue to damage the glomeruli, resulting in irreversible damage to the glomeruli, the disease into chronic renal failure, eventually leading to uremia. As a clinical