While combing through the threads of the history of the Zhang Zhung kingdom,one of the first things that we cannot avoid is its position in historical time. As we know,from the perspec-tive of literary studies,many scholars consider that the most famous king of Zhang Zhung kingdom is Khri wer la rje. Khri wer la rje was the patron of Shenrab Miwo,the founder of the Bon religion. In addition,many scholars consider that Ligmincha, the last king of Zhang Zhung,was wiped out in the period of Trisong Detsen. In other words,the his-torical Zhang Zhung Kingdom can date back to the time of Shenrab Miwo,the founder of Bon religion, and the end of the Zhang Zhung kingdom could clearly be regarded as the period of Trisong Dets-en. So,we can notice that investigating the begin-ning of the Zhang Zhung kingdom isvery difficult. In order to present the historical timeframe of the Zhang Zhung kingdom more clearly,this article se-lects some certain perspectives familiar to us in or-der to further clarify the related issues.