农药中以有机磷杀虫药的应用最为广泛,由于其对人畜的毒性,可在生产、运输、分销、贮存、使用过程中过量接触,以及残留在农作物的量过多、污染食物和意外服用均可引起中毒。有机磷杀虫药中毒后抢救方法如下: <一> 迅速清除毒物立即离开现场,脱去污染的衣服,用肥皂水清洗污染的衣服、毛发和指甲。口服中毒者用清水、2%碳酸氢钠溶液(敌百虫忌用)或1:5000高锰酸钾溶液(对硫磷忌用)反复洗胃,直至洗清为止。然后再用硫酸钠20—
Pesticides are the most widely used organophosphate insecticides because of their toxicity to humans and animals, over-exposure during production, transportation, distribution, storage and use, as well as the amount of residues on crops, contamination of food and accidental use All can cause poisoning. Organophosphorus insecticide poisoning after the rescue as follows: <1> Quickly clear the poison immediately leave the scene, remove contaminated clothing, wash contaminated clothing, hair and nails with soap and water. Oral poisoning with water, 2% sodium bicarbonate solution (trichlorfat hanged) or 1: 5000 potassium permanganate solution (bogey bogey) repeated gastric lavage, until the wash off. Then with sodium sulfate 20-