茂林的血迹未干,蒋介石就盛邀毛泽东“赴宴”——出席国民参政会。周恩来挖苦道:国民党请客,被请者却是“奸党”,岂有此理!毛泽东则干脆说蒋介石是“大流氓”。 宋美龄设宴,蒋介石作陪,既有“夫人外交”,又是“餐桌谈判”。帷幕既然拉开,且看蒋介石怎样收场……
Maolin’s blood has not dried up, Chiang Kai-shek invited Mao Zedong to “feast” - to attend the National Political Council. Zhou Enlai sarcastic: the Kuomintang treats, the petitioners are “rape party”, how can this be! Mao Zedong simply said that Chiang Kai-shek was a “big hooligan.” Soong Mei-ling hosted a banquet with Chiang Kai-shek for both “wife diplomacy” and “table negotiation.” Since the curtain opened, and see how Chiang Kai-shek ended ......