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21世纪的今天,随着核心素养时代的到来,历史教师也应不断学习、转变教学观念,使自己的教学思想符合核心素养时代的需要,为此历史教师应不断学习、不断对自己的教学活动进行反思、提升史料解读分析能力,实现历史教学与核心素养的有效整合,只有教师专业技能和综合能力提高了,才能更好地在教学中渗透核心素养。 Today, with the advent of the era of core literacy, history teachers should constantly study and change their teaching concepts so that their teaching ideas are in line with the needs of the core literacy. For this reason, teachers of history should keep learning and keep on their teaching activities In order to improve the ability of reading and analyzing historical materials and realize the effective integration of history teaching and core literacy, only by improving the teachers’ professional skills and comprehensive ability can we better penetrate the core literacy in teaching.
居住在四川、甘肃交界处山区的白马藏人,相信万事万物都有神灵,他们崇拜太阳神、天神、火神、水神、树神、猎神、五谷神,祈盼这些神灵能带来好运。  汶川大地震摧毁了白马藏族人居住的村寨,也摧毁了白马文化的诸多载体,更沉重打击了这个独特族群的生存信念。  灾后重建,白马藏族人的明天在哪里?    “地震时,我正在山下修路。山上的石头掉下来,把我打了一下”案板地村的村支书达尕我希布说,“我赶紧往村里跑,跑到