来信《中华魂》编辑部: 贵刊的“忘年交书简”栏目,贴近青年,我很爱读。现在,我也不辞冒昧,提出我感到困惑的问题,烦转请老同志予以解答。我常常听到一种说法:如今大力发展私营经济,那么,上个世纪50年代的对私改造是不是搞错了?早知今日,何必当初?我今年21岁,对私改造那时还没有出生,实在不知道这个问题应该如何看待,如有哪位老同志给予剖析,有以教我,不胜感激! 致以崇高的敬礼! 首都师大外语学院学生黄欢 2003年3月10日
Letter “Chinese soul” editorial department: your magazine “forgetting year pay book ” column, close to the young, I love to read. Now I will not give up my mind and ask questions that I am confused about. I am tired of asking my old comrades to answer them. I often hear the saying that now that the private economy is vigorously developed, is not it true that the reform of the private sector in the 1950s was a mistake? For today, why should I be the first to become 21 when I am 21 years old? Born, I really do not know how to treat this issue, which old comrades to give an analysis, there is to teach me, be grateful! With a high salute! Capital Normal University foreign language students Huang Huan March 10, 2003