中国花鸟画自唐代形成独立以来,大家辈出,流派纷呈,其丰富的创作经验和文化积淀汇成的优良传统,对于当代花鸟画家来说,既是继承的宝库,又是出新的羁绊。 贤谋是一位抛却羁绊锐意出新的写意花鸟画家。写意花鸟画重“写”重“意”重“情趣”,以物我相融的艺术情感达到缘物寓情的审美价值。以情动人是其作品的魅力所在。
Since the establishment of the independent Chinese and bird paintings in the Tang Dynasty, all the outstanding people and genres have shown that their fine traditions of combining their creative experiences and cultural heritage have not only been a treasure house for the contemporary birds and flowers, but also a new fetter. Alchemy is a freehand flower-and-bird painter who casts his teeth behind a fetter. Freehand flower and bird painting emphasizes “writing” heavy “intent” and heavy “taste”, and achieves the aesthetic value of the funerary objects with the artistic emotion of blending things with me. Emotions are the charm of their works.