在班级工作中,常常会发观一些性格孤僻,少言寡语,不太合群的学生,对此类学生,应如何施以教育呢? 导致这种“孤僻”心态的,因素很多。有的是父母离异或父母一方去世,学生失去了抚爱,有的是家庭处于逆境,学生不能够享受与别人同样多的幸福。有的是因为学习成绩差,在学校被有些老师和同学瞧不起,遭到讽刺挖苦,使他们的自尊心受到挫折,有的是曾经犯过某种错误,遭到老师的“白眼”和同学的疏远,在家里又受到家长的责骂,从而无法振作精神,失去上进的信心,因此处处回避,不愿与大家接触,具有明显的孤独感。 对这种孤僻性格的学生,应根据不同原因区别对待。由于家庭因素造成的,应以亲近和启发为
In class work, some students who are withdrawn, reticent, and not gregarious are often asked to give some education to such students. There are many factors leading to this “withdrawn” mentality. Some parents or divorced parents or one parent died, the students lost caress, and some families are in adversity, students can not enjoy as much happiness as others. Some because of poor academic performance, looked down upon by some teachers and classmates in school, satirized and sarcastic, frustrated their self-esteem, some had made some mistakes, and were estranged from teachers by their “white eyes” and their classmates They were scolded by their parents and were unable to cheer up and lost confidence in progress. Therefore, they shunned everywhere and did not want to be exposed to others and had a clear sense of loneliness. Students of this lonely personality should be treated differently according to different reasons. Due to family factors, should be close and inspired