Teaching Creativity Via An Interactive ApproachIn English Class

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  [Abstract] Creativity is “a cognitive activity that results in a a new or novel way of viewing a problem or situation.” This definition does no restrict creative processes to utilitarianacts. Therefore, applying the creative process to English class is quite meaningful to language pedagogy. This ariticle aimes to analyze the creative process and apply it to English Class.
  [Key words] creativity creative process teaching creativity group work an interactive approach
  1. Introduction
  The definition of creativity used is “a cognitive activity that results in a a new or novel way of viewing a problem or situation.” This definition does no restrict creative processes to utilitarian acts, although the examples of creative people are almost always drawn from some useful invention, writing, or theory they have created. Therefore, applying the creative process to English class is quite meaningful to language pedagogy.
  2. Creative process
  Long time ago in the history of cognitive psychology, Wallas (1926) described the creative process as having four sequential stages: preparation, incubation, Illumination and verification. Wallas’s four-stage model of the creative process has given us a conceptual frame-work to analyze creativity.
  Evidence for the validity of Wallas’s four stages is almost non existent; howeve, the psychological literature abounds with introspective reports from people who have given birth to a creative thought. The most celebrated of these accounts is by Poincare (1913), a French mathematician. While traveling he “forgot” his mathematical work , Poincare then writes about the dramatic moment of insight.
  2.1 Preparation
  Poincare mentioned in his notes that he had been working intensively on the problem for fifteen days. During that period he seemed to have thought several tentative solutions, which he tried out and, for one reason or another, discarded. However,to suggest that the period of preparation was fifteen days is not correct. All of his professional life as a mathematician and probably a good part of his childhood could be considered part of the preparation stage.
  A common theme in biographies of famous men and women is the notion that even during their early childhood, ideas were being developed, knowledge was being acquired, and tentative thoughts in a specified direction were being tried out. These early ideas often shape the Ultimate destiny of the creative person. What remains one of the many mysteries of the process is why other individuals who share similar environmental stimulation fail to be recognized for their creative talent. Maybe more attention should be given to the genetic bases of creativity.
  2.2 Incubation
  Why is a creative breakthrough follows a period in which the problem is allowed to lie fallow? Perhaps the most pragmatic answer is that more of our life is devoted to recreation, watching television, dancing, diving, playing, traveling, or lying in the sun thinking about a problem that needs a creative solution. So creative acts are more likely to follow dormant periods simply because those periods occupy more of our time.
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[摘 要] 活动课是新课程改革的研究方向之一,是现代新课程理论的具体实践,对于广大教师和教学研究人员来说,该如何开展活动课,是一个值得研究和探讨的问题。本文基于培养学生创造能力、审美能力的角度,从活动课开设的背景和现状出发,提出了以美学的观点指导语文活动课的建议。  [关键词] 美学观点 语文 活动课  随着我国新课程改革的逐步深入,培养学生的创新意识、增强探索能力、提高综合运用知识的能力,对推进
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