目的:分析龙虎交战针法适应病种及用穴特点、规律.方法:在收集近二十年龙虎交战针法临床研究的文献基础上,建立相应excel表格,分析龙虎交战针法的适应病种及用穴特点、规律.结果:分析发现,治疗共涵盖25个病种,涉及神经系统、运动系统、泌尿生殖系统及其他.所用穴位共有65个,来自11条经脉及经外奇穴、阿是穴.结论:通过文献分析得出,龙虎交战针法主要用于各类痛症,近年来可见其他病种的报道.治疗上阿是穴应用最多.其余选穴在经络辨证与辨病相结合的基础上,以局部及近端取穴为主要原则,多选取肌肉丰厚的四肢腰背部的阳经穴位.“,”Objective:To analyze the indications and rules and characteristics of acupoints selection in dragon and tiger warring acupuncture.Methods:On the base of dragon and tiger warring acupuncture clinical research of collected literature,the author established corresponding Excel spreadsheet and analysis the dragon and tiger warring acupuncture indications,rules and characteristics of acupoints selection.Results:The paper showed that it treated 25diseases in total,including nervous system,motor system,genitourinary system and so on.65points,which come from 11 meridians and extra channel points,Ashi,were used.Conclusions:According to the literature analysis,the dragon and tiger warring acupuncture is mainly used for all kinds of pain and other diseases has reported visible in recent years.Ashi point is the most widely used.Based on the meridian syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation,local and the proximal acupoints selection as the main principle of the rest,choose the Yang meridian acupoints on rich muscles of limbs,waist and back.