宫内粘连(IUA)指子宫壁粘连使子宫腔部份或完全闭塞,引起月经异常(常为闭经或月经减少)、不育和习惯性流产。1948年Asherman发表本病以来,世界各国文献报导已有2,981例。一、病因学:任何损伤子宫内腹的因素均有可能发生IUA,其中可分诱因和病原两类: (一)诱因1.妊娠妊娠使子宫软化,刮宫时不易控制深
Intrauterine adhesions (IUA) refers to the uterine wall adhesions so that the uterine cavity partially or completely occluded, causing menstrual abnormalities (often amenorrhea or menses), infertility and habitual abortion. Since the publication of this disease by Asherman in 1948, 2,981 cases have been reported in various countries in the world. First, the etiology: any factors that damage the uterus abdomen are likely to occur IUA, which can be divided into two types of causes and pathogens: (A) incentives 1. Gestational pregnancy to soften the uterus, curettage is not easy to control the deep