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陈少明认为,中国哲学要走出困境,必须抛弃以往那种从中国传统的概念范畴寻找西方哲学理论注脚的路子,走用哲学论述中国自身的经验之路;并通过“器”、“惑”两个案例的分析,探讨了中国哲学研究的新途径。彭永捷对创建一种亦哲学亦思想的汉语哲学充满信心,认为必须深入到汉语世界的传统与现实土壤中来,才有可能产生具有独创性和代表性的汉语哲学作品。李维武认为,21世纪中国哲学在理论形态上的建构,一方面要对20世纪中国哲学的全部积极成果予以继承,另一方面还要对20世纪中国哲学的不同与局限予以改造和克服。胡维希认为,今后中国哲学的发展方向,一是努力继承与发扬中国哲学的固有传统,二是积极开展与西方哲学的对话。周山认为,是否重视个案研究,不仅关系到能否准确理解和评判中国哲学,更在于能否科学建构21世纪中国哲学的新形态,就此而言,21世纪中国哲学的发展,既需要智慧,也需要情感。 Chen Shaoming believes that to get out of the predicament, Chinese philosophy must abandon its previous path of looking for the footnote of Western philosophy from the traditional Chinese conceptual categories and discuss China’s own experience with philosophy. The case study explores new ways of Chinese philosophical research. Peng Yongjie is full of confidence in creating a Chinese philosophy that is also philosophical and thoughtful. He believes that it is necessary to go deep into the tradition and reality of the Chinese world and only then can it produce works of Chinese philosophy that are original and representative. Li Weiwu believes that the construction of Chinese philosophy in the theoretical form in the 21st century should, on the one hand, inherit all the positive achievements of Chinese philosophy in the 20th century; on the other hand, it must also reform and overcome the differences and limitations of Chinese philosophy in the 20th century. According to Hu Weixi, the development direction of Chinese philosophy in the future is to strive to inherit and carry forward the inherent tradition of Chinese philosophy. Second, to actively carry out dialogue with Western philosophy. Zhou Shan believes that whether or not to pay attention to case studies is not only related to the accurate understanding and judgment of Chinese philosophy, but also whether it can scientifically construct a new form of Chinese philosophy in the 21st century. In this regard, the development of Chinese philosophy in the 21st century requires both wisdom and Need emotion