最近有一部美剧十分热门,名为《Lie to me》(译名:《别对我说谎》)。剧情是卡尔.莱特曼博士和他的团队凭借对于人的脸部表情分析、动作观察、行为主义心理学研究来透视被观察者所知道的“真相”的故事片。在这里推荐一个美剧的重点是该剧根据真人真事改编,灵感来源于行为学专家保罗.埃克曼博士的真实研究,他能够发掘深埋在人类脸部、身体和声音里的线索,然后将犯罪调查中的真实与谎言昭示天下。我们很容易可以想到人类行为观察与医学的“望闻切问”、侦查学的“察言观色”等学科的关联性。孔子曰:“始吾於人也,听其言而信其行;今吾於人也,听其言而观其行”本文讲就人类行为观察对于导演学的指导意义正是本文的研究对象,以期在日常教学中增设这门选修课程。
Recently a popular American TV series was titled “Lie to me” (translation: “Do not lie to me”). Plot is Dr. Carl Letterman and his team by virtue of the human face expression analysis, action observation, behavioral psychology study to see what the observer knows “truth ” feature film. The point of recommendation for a U.S. drama here is that the play is based on a real life story inspired by the real study of behavioral specialist Dr. Paul Ekman who can discover clues deep in human faces, bodies and voices and then The reality of the crime investigation and lies to show the world. We can easily think of the relationship between observation of human behavior and medicine, “Wang Wenwen Q & A”, “science” of investigation. Confucius said: “I start in the people also, listen to their words and their beliefs; now I also in the people, listen to their words and their views ” This article on the guiding role of human behavior observation for the director of learning is precisely this article Research object, with a view to adding this elective course in daily teaching.