时髦的女孩子在窄而瘦的衬衣上系条领带刚刚在街头出现时,很让正统之辈瞠目:好好的领带男人不系女人系,其实严严整整本也无妨,但女人系得松松垮垮活像个提不上去的老棉裤腰,还美来美去美得不得了,这算什么呀!但时髦女孩松松领带笑着说:时尚就是反其道而行之,你们不懂呀! 是的,我们中的绝大多数人刚开始时都欣赏不了,看女模特们在时尚杂志上把长的短的宽的细的花的领带系成柔中带刚的POSE,除了眼花心乱,着实有一种“雾里看花,水中望月”的迷茫感。但是,时尚从来都是遮着面纱
Fashionable girl in a thin and thin shirt Tie Ties just appeared in the streets, it is so that the eyes of the orthodox generation: a good tie, a man is not a woman Department, in fact, a full and strict this anyway, but the woman was too loose like A mention of the old cotton trouser waist, but also the United States and the United States to the United States incredible, what is it! But the funky girl with a relaxed necktie said with a smile: fashion is the opposite, you do not understand it! , Most of us do not appreciate the beginning, see the female models in fashion magazines, the long, narrow, wide flower tie into a soft belt with just POSE, in addition to dizziness, really There is a “foggy flowers, the moon in the water,” the sense of confusion. However, fashion has always been veiled