
来源 :水产科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasmine
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为了探索使用不同品牌的斑节对虾饲料与养虾池水质和浮游生物的关系,选用两种品牌的对虾饲料,在4个虾池进行试验。结果表明:在使用粤海牌斑节对虾饲料三个斑节虾池中,水质正常,有利斑节对虾生长的浮游生物种类占优势,浮游生物数量多、且稳定。对虾生长正常,中途没有虾病发生,按计划收虾,养虾产量较高,另一品牌对虾饲料,喂养斑节对虾,在养殖的中后期出现严重的虾病,产量低。 In order to explore the relationship between the use of different brands of Pennisetum shrimp feed and shrimp pond water quality and plankton, two brands of shrimp feed were selected and tested in four shrimp ponds. The results showed that the plankton species in Penaeus monodon grew predominantly in the three spotted shrimp ponds of Yuehai sea monkfish feed, and the quantity of plankton was stable. Shrimp growth is normal, there is no shrimp disease occurred halfway, according to the plan to shrimp, shrimp production higher, another brand of shrimp feed, feed Penaeus monodon, in the breeding of serious shrimp disease, low yield.
采用电刺激采精法对8头林麝采精26次,并对所采得的精液进行了品质分析.结果表明,林麝每次射精量平均体积0.356 ml±0.062 ml,pH值7.31±0.274,精子平均密度为(4.038&
<正> 89.虾池内发生赤潮,应如何防治?为防止虾池发生赤潮必须采取以下措施:(1)采取封闭式或半封闭式养殖方法,切不可盲目进水,将赤潮污水进入虾池、严格进行保水,保持良好养