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聲音之道與政相通,與天地萬物亦相連接。聲音的安樂與怨怒,爲治世與亂世的不同體現;天地萬物的種種音響,構成大自然的紋理(文理)。樂歌創造,文學語言與音樂語言的相互應合。倚聲填詞,既倚樂歌之聲,亦倚歌詞之聲。音律與聲律,各有所司,各盡其職,二者未能混淆。永明四聲的發現及運用,自沈約起。唇齒喉舌鼻與宫商角徵羽兩相對應,爲樂歌脱離音樂創造條件。倚聲填詞之所謂填者,自温庭筠起。逐弦吹之音,爲側艷之詞;以文詞的聲律追逐(應合)樂歌的音律,爲樂府歌詞創作脱離音樂創造條件。沈約與温庭筠,兩個標誌性的人物,兩個標誌性的階段,兩座里程碑。這是本文立論的大背景。準此,本文擬分别闡發以下三個問題:一、音律與聲律,兩個不同的概念;二、音律與聲律,近世詞界的一個盲點;三、音律與聲律,登上藝術殿堂的階梯。 Voice of the road and political interlinked, and all things connected with the world. The sound of happiness and resentment, for the governance of troubled times and the different embodiment of the world; all kinds of sound of heaven and earth, constitute the texture of nature (liberal arts). Music creation, literary language and music language should be combined. Reliance lyrics, both on the song of music, but also rely on the lyrics of the song. Temperament and sound law, each has its own division, each doing their duty, the two can not be confused. Yongming four sound discovery and use, since the beginning of Shen. Mouth and mouth teeth and mouth Miyako consortia feathers corresponding to the two, for music from music to create the conditions. Leaning words of the so-called filling, since Wen Ting court. By the string of the sound of blowing, as the word of Yan Yan side; the rhythm of the word chase (should be) the music of the temperament, music creation for the liberation of music to create conditions. Shen Yue and Wen Tingyun, two iconic characters, two iconic stages, two milestones. This is the background of this article. In this regard, this article intends to separately analyze the following three questions: First, the temperament and sound law, two different concepts; Second, the temperament and acoustic law, a blind spot in the modern word community; Third, the temperament and acoustic law, boarded the art hall The ladder.
【摘要】舆论监督是媒体单位的职能所在,责任所在,威信所在。地方媒体虽然或多或少存在一些主客观上的局限,但其也有贴近、细化、本土等显著的优势。只要地方媒体与时俱进、改革创新、扬长避短,采用科学的舆论监督方式方法,最大限度地满足民众期望,勇做沟通的桥梁、信息的导体、人本的表率,就能更好地体现媒体监督的生命力,更好地为和谐社会添砖加瓦。   【关键词】比较优势 柔性监督 民众期盼     当今社会,信息
【摘要】新闻宣传工作者要写出群众喜闻乐见的好作品,不仅要搞清楚“三贴近”的概念、意义、做法,更重要的是在实践中始终坚持“三贴近”原则,在“三贴近”上下功夫,不断提高自身政治素养和业务技能。  【关键词】新闻宣传 三贴近     一、“三贴近”的含义  “三贴近”是指贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众。   一是贴近实际。贴近实际就是根据我国国情立足于社会主义初级阶段这个最大实际。一方面,要求我们新闻工作