精炼语言 引入特技 电视剧《三国演义》的“五官”是严重扭曲的:各种身份的人物一开口全是文言而且是书面语言,一出手全是毫无观赏性的厮杀扭打。 先说语言,满口的“吾”、“汝”、“之”、“矣”……没学过古汉语的观众绝难听懂。听不懂这些文言对白的观众要分心去看字幕,必然影响欣赏。听得懂的观众对这些平时多以白纸黑字形式出现在书面上的文言对白听起来也会感到别扭。要使今天的观众通过电视剧这种通俗艺术形式领会古典名著
Refining the language into the stunt drama “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is a serious distortion of the “five senses”: a variety of identity of the characters are all written and spoken language, a shot is all without ornamental fighting slamming. Speaking first language, mouthful of “my”, “Ru”, “of”, “carry on” ... ... did not learn ancient Chinese audience hard to understand. Do not understand these classical dialogue audience distracted to see subtitles, will inevitably affect the appreciation. Audiences who understand it may also sound awkward with these written and spoken texts, which usually appear in black and white on paper. To make today’s audience through the popular art form of television drama to understand the classic classics