Book is a commodity, the book market is one of the earliest development of the market. Since the reform and opening up, the national book market held in successive years has made other industries feel no better. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of other specialized markets such as the well-known commodity market of Zhejiang Yiwu and the comprehensive market of Shishi in Fujian, the relevant domestic and foreign markets have been published in spite of the development both in terms of form and scale , And there has been a new breakthrough in establishing a foreign market. The momentum of development is far from being able to meet the needs of the reform. Time and time again, after spending enormous human and financial resources, a vigorous opening and a spectacular closing, the actual low-yielding and the declining turnover have made people more and more confused: why is the publishing market still so favorable in today’s favorable environment? There is no market, can not see the fundamental