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In order to facilitate the enterprises and institutions to purchase technical supervision information, this issue will be published in each issue of Shanghai Institute of Standardization issued to the public directly to the society by the China Standard Press issued national standards, industry standards, compilations and various technical categories , Management, tools, books and information. Where to buy a book, please go directly to the reader service department of the distribution station to buy, or contact the distribution station by phone, the distribution station can handle the mail order. Participate in the distribution station “standard, measurement books and information distribution network,” the network unit, available “distribution network” provided by publishing, booking, arrival criteria and other information, “distribution network” to accept the standard net book members booking or arrival Feedback information to provide the required standard text to the network, at the same time to provide information to the network of not less than four times a month, so that network users can grasp the standard publishing dynamics and collect the latest standard text