“幽默愈幽愈默而愈妙”。(林语堂) 电视剧《编辑部的故事》(以下简称《编》剧)具有这种特色。它一不靠恶作剧式的闹,二不靠浅薄轻浮的逗。它主要不是运用离奇曲折的故事情节或令人发噱的形体动作,而是运用幽默的喜剧语言,用的是北京人嘴边说的话,写的是老百姓身边熟悉的事儿,只是经过艺术提炼,显得更集中、更强烈、也更含蓄,让观众通过会心的领悟而忍俊不禁。
“The more silent the more quiet the more humorous. (Lin Yutang) drama ”editorial department story“ (hereinafter referred to as ”series") has this feature. It does not rely on prank-style trouble, the second is not superficial frivolous amusing. It is not the story of the use of bizarre twists and turns or the glamorous body movements, but the use of humorous comedy language, using the words of the Beijing mouth, is written familiar to the people around things, but through the art of refining, It is more focused, stronger and more subtle, allowing the audience to laugh at their knowing comprehension.